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The Young Researchers Conference is organized by the PhD students of the Center for Research on Cognition and Learning (CeRCA).


Organization Comitee  



Nounagnon Agbangla: PhD student of the Attention and Control team (ATCO).

I am studying ageing, executive control and physical exercise: study of the neurophysiological correlates with near-infrared spectroscopy.





Sophie-Anne Beauprez: PhD student of the Attention and Control team (ATCO).

My research project focuses on the influence of action observation on language processing.




Yvana Bocage-Barthélemy: PhD student of the Social Cognitionteam (SoCog).

My research is focused on the thin ideal in advertisements and the different negative effects produced by the exposure to such unrealistic pictures.




Jamila Hattouti  PhD student of the Language Abilities and Finalized Interaction (CLIF).

My research interests concern the cognitive processes underlying the communication and the social interactions in children with typical and atypical development.




Betty Laroche: PhD student of the Written Production team (PREC).

I’m studying the role of  visual feedback on the handwritten single word production with a behavioral and electrophysiological approach.




Jennifer Schuhl: PhD student of the Social Cognition team (SoCog).

My research themes are implicit attitudes towards mental disease and the effect of contact on the reduction of stigmatization. 




Nina Tello: PhD student of the Social Cognition team (SoCog).

I’m studying the role of implicit associations in the prediction of self-destructive behaviors (suicide, addiction).




Andrei-Cristian Tudorache: PhD student in the Cognitive Dysfunction team (Dysco).

My works concern the cognitive functioning in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In particular, I am interested in the role of inhibitory deficit on the functioning of traumatic memory.




































Scientific Comitee : 


 The scientific committee is composed of young researchers in psychology from several laboratories in Europe : 


Nounagnon Agbangla, PhD student of the CeRCA, University of Poitiers, France

Sophie Anne Beauprez, PhD student of the CeRCA, University of Poitiers, France

- Yvana Bocage-Barthélémy, PhD student of the CeRCA, University of Poitiers, France

Guillermo Borragan, post-doctoral student of the Center for Research in Cognition and Neurosciences, University of Brussels, Belgium

Aurore Etchepare, PhD student of the Psychology Laboratory, University of Bordeaux, France

Margaux Gelin, PhD student of the Laboratory for Research on Learning and Development, University of Bourgogne, France

Jamila Hattouti, PhD student of the CeRCA, University of Poitiers, France

- Julien Laloyaux, post-doctoral student of the Department of Biological and Medical Psychology, University of Bergen, Norway

Betty Laroche, PhD student of the CeRCA, University of Poitiers, France

- Alexandre Obert, post-doctoral student of the Cognition, Health and Socialization laboratory, University of Reims, France

- Emanuele Politi, PhD Student of the Social Psychology Laboratory, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

- Jennifer Schuhl, PhD student of the CeRCA, University of Poitiers, France

- Wojciech Świątkowski, PhD student of the Social Psychology Laboratory, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Nina Tello, PhD student of the CeRCA, University of Poitiers, France

- Andrei Tudorache, PhD student of the CeRCA, University of Poitiers, France






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